Félicitations aux gagnants des meilleures présentations lors de la 3e édition du COBS 2021.
Congratulations to the winners of the best presentations at the 3rd edition of COBS 2021.
- Anne-Marie Bissonnette: Mémoire, musique vocale et système moteur
- Eric Cristea: Corrélats neuronaux du rythme
- Emilie Gomez: Médiation de la musique et émancipation dans l’organisme Oxy-jeunes : analyse de la création collective du titre « I Know ».
- Elsa Fortant: Nouvelles perspectives sur la scène techno montréalaise : du populaire à l'underground, entre unité et cohabitation
Conférence d'honeur | Keynote speaker
Enhancing motor learning
Améliorer l'apprentissage moteur
Joyce Chen talks about some studies at TEMPO Lab that investigates whether motor skill learning can be enhanced. Chen’s team are interested in the role of augmented feedback, aerobic exercise, and non-invasive brain stimulation. As well, their research program aims to identify neurological biomarkers of stroke motor recovery that may help us to optimize results of clinical trials and rehabilitation therapies.
Dans sa conférence, Joyce Chen nous présente certaines études menées au laboratoire TEMPO, qui visent à déterminer si l'apprentissage des habiletés motrices peut être amélioré. L'équipe de Joyce Chen s'intéresse au rôle de la rétroaction augmentée, de l'exercice aérobique et de la stimulation cérébrale non invasive. En outre, leur programme de recherche vise à identifier les biomarqueurs neurologiques de la récupération motrice après un accident vasculaire cérébral, qui pourraient nous aider à optimiser les résultats des essais cliniques et des thérapies de réadaptation.
Joyce Chen, Assistant Professor, Motor Learning
Dr. Chen received a BSc in Physical Therapy degree at McGill University and worked as a physiotherapist at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital in Laval, specializing in the rehabilitation of movements after brain injury such as stroke. She then obtained her Ph.D. in Neurological Sciences at McGill under the direction of Virginia Penhune and Robert Zatorre. Her doctoral research elucidated the neural basis for how we synchronize our actions with sounds - something you might find yourself doing when tapping to the beat of music or dancing. Dr. Chen is currently the Director of the TEMPO Lab (Training and Enhancing Motor Performance Outcomes), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto, and crossappointed Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute.
The brain has always fascinated Dr. Chen because of its ability to change, in response to injury and training. The aim of the TEMPO Lab research program is to discover the limits of the brain’s plasticity, to understand how we can optimize motor performance and find ways to enhance the brain’s plasticity so that people with stroke can improve their capacity to move.